Order Information UVP Transilluminators

Order number  Description

110 - 115 V

230 VModelUV WavelengthBulb/Tube WattsFilter Size
Single UV transilluminators (no intensity setting), 302 nm UV
95-0180-01   (US)95-0180-02   (US)UVP Transilluminator M-10302 nm6 watt10 cm x 10 cm
95-0455-01   (US)
849-20015-4 (EU)
95-0455-02   (US)
849-20015-0 (EU)
UVP Transilluminator M-15302 nm8 watt15 cm x 15 cm
95-0447-01   (US)
849-20016-4 (EU)
95-0447-02   (US)
849-20016-0 (EU)
UVP Transilluminator M-20302 nm8 watt20 cm x 20 cm
95-0457-01   (US)
849-20017-4 (EU)
95-0457-02   (US)
849-20017-0 (EU)
UVP Transilluminator M-26302 nm8 watt21 cm x 26 cm
Single UV transilluminators (variable intensity setting), 302 nm UV

95-0456-01   (US)
849-20018-4 (EU)

95-0456-02   (US)
849-20018-0 (EU)
UVP Transilluminator M-15V
high/medium/low intensity setting
302 nm8 watt15 cm x 15 xm
95-0452-01   (US)
849-20019-4 (EU)
95-0452-02   (US)
849-20019-0 (EU)
UVP Transilluminator M-20V
high/medium/low intensity setting
302 nm8 watt20 cm x 20 cm
95-0458-01   (US)
849-20020-4 (EU)
95-0458-02   (US)
849-20020-0 (EU)
UVP Transilluminator M-26V
high/medium/low intensity setting
302 nm8 watt21 cm x 26 cm

95-0413-01   (US)
849-20021-4 (EU)

95-0413-02   (US)
849-20021-0 (EU)
UVP Transilluminator M-26XV
high/medium/low intensity setting
302 nm8 watt25 cm x 26 cm
2UV transilluminators, UV wavelengths: 302 nm, 365 nm
95-0449-01   (US)
849-20011-4 (EU)
95-0449-02   (US)
849-20011-0 (EU)
UVP 2UV Transilluminator LM-20302/365 nm8 watt20 cm x 20 cm

95-0459-01   (US)
849-20012-4 (EU)

95-0459-02   (US)
849-20012-0 (EU)
UVP 2UV Transilluminator LM-26302/365 nm8 watt21 cm x 26 cm
3UV transilluminators, UV wavelengths: 245 nm, 302 nm, 365 nm
95-0417-01   (US)
849-20013-4 (EU)
95-0417-02   (US)
849-20013-0 (EU)
UVP 3UV Transilluminator LMS-20254/302/365 nm8 watt20 cm x 20 cm
95-0414-01   (US)
849-20014-4 (EU)
95-0414-02   (US)
849-20014-0 (EU)
UVP 3UV Transilluminator LMS-26254/302/365 nm8 watt21 cm x 26 cm
Uniform illuminated FirstLight® UV Transilluminators, 302 nm UV
95-0365-01   (US)95-0365-02   (US)UVP FirstLight Transilluminator FI-20302 nmUVP Grid Lamp20 cm x 20 cm
95-0366-01   (US)95-0366-02   (US)UVP FirstLight Transilluminator FI-26302 nmUVP Grid Lamp21 cm x 26 cm
95-0364-01   (US)95-0364-02   (US)UVP FirstLight Transilluminator FI-26X302 nmUVP Grid Lamp25 cm x 26 cm
High-Performance UV transilluminators (variable intensity setting), UV wavelengths: 254 nm, 302 nm, or 365 nm UV
95-0420-01   (US)
849-20034-4 (EU)
95-0420-02   (US)
849-20034-0 (EU)
UVP Transilluminator PLUS TFL-40V
high/medium/low intensity setting
365 nm25 watt20 cm x 40 cm
95-0423-01   (US)
849-20035-4 (EU)
95-0423-02   (US)
849-20035-0 (EU)
UVP Transilluminator PLUS TFM-20V
high/medium/low intensity setting
302 nm25 watt20 cm x 20 cm
95-0422-01   (US)95-0422-02   (US)UVP Transilluminator PLUS TFM-26V
high/medium/low intensity setting
302 nm25 watt21 cm x 26 cm
95-0424-01   (US)
849-20037-4 (EU)
95-0424-02   (US)
849-20037-0 (EU)
UVP Transilluminator PLUS TFM-30V
high/medium/low intensity setting
302 nm25 watt25 cm x 30 cm
95-0421-01   (US)95-0421-02   (US)UVP Transilluminator PLUS TFM-40V
high/medium/low intensity setting
302 nm25 watt20 cm x 40 cm
95-0427-01   (US)95-0427-02   (US)UVP Transilluminator PLUS TFS-20V
high/medium/low intensity setting
254 nm25 watt20 cm x 20 cm
95-0428-01   (US)95-0428-02   (US)UVP Transilluminator PLUS TFS-26V
high/medium/low intensity setting
254 nm25 watt21 cm x 26 cm
95-0429-01   (US)95-0429-02   (US)UVP Transilluminator PLUS TFS-30V
high/medium/low intensity setting
254 nm25 watt25 cm x 30 cm
95-0430-01   (US)95-0430-02   (US)UVP Transilluminator PLUS TFS-40V
high/medium/low intensity setting
254 nm25 watt20 cm x 40 cm
High-Performance 2UV transilluminators, UV wavelengths: 302nm, 365 nm
95-0431-01   (US)95-0431-02   (US)UVP Transilluminator PLUS TFML-20302/365 nm25 watt20 cm x 20 cm
95-0425-01   (US)95-0425-02   (US)UVP Transilluminator PLUS TFML-26302/365 nm25 watt21 cm x 26 cm
95-0432-01   (US)95-0432-02   (US)UVP Transilluminator PLUS TFML-30302/365 nm25 watt25 cm x 30 cm
95-0426-01   (US)95-0426-02   (US)UVP Transilluminator PLUS TFML-40302/365 nm25 watt20 cm x 40 cm
Blue light transilluminators, 460 - 470 nm (variable intensity setting)
95-0461-01   (US)
849-20070-4 (EU)
95-0461-02   (US)
849-20070-0 (EU)
UVP Visi-Blue Transilluminator VB-26
high/medium/low intensity setting, amber lid, incl. camera emission filter 50 x 50 mm.
460 nm - 470 nm8 watt (BLB)21 cm x 26 cm
95-0433-01   (US)95-0433-02   (US)UVP Visi-Blue Transilluminator VB-40
high/medium/low intensity setting, amber lid, incl. camera emission filter 50 x 50 mm.
460 nm - 470 nm25 watt (BLB)20 cm x 40 cm
UV/white light transilluminators, UV wavelengths: 302 nm, 365 nm, or 302/365 nm
95-0415-01   (US)95-0415-02   (US)UVP UV/White Transilluminator TLW-20365 nm/White light8 watt

20 cm x 20 cm UV
20 cm x 20 cm White light

95-0415-04   (US)
849-20052-4 (EU)
95-0415-05   (US)
849-20052-0 (EU)
UVP UV/White Transilluminator TMW-20302 nm/White light8 watt20 cm x 20 cm UV
20 cm x 20 cm White light
95-0418-01   (US)95-0418-02   (US)UVP UV/White Transilluminator LMW-20302 nm/365 nm/White light8 watt20 cm x 20 cm UV
20 cm x 20 cm White light
White light transilluminators
95-0208-01   (US)
849-20060-4 (EU)
95-0208-02   (US)
849-20060-0 (EU)

UVP Visi-White Transilluminator TW-26

White light8 watt21 cm x 26 cm
95-0214-01   (US)95-0214-02   (US)

UVP Visi-White Transilluminator TW-43

White light14 watt36 cm x 43 cm
Converter plates
Order NumberModelConvertionFilter Size
38-0191-01   (US)
849-20510-0 (EU)
UVP Visi-White Converter PlateUV to White light21 cm x 26 cm
38-0191-02   (US)
849-20512-0 (EU)
UVP Visi-White Converter PlateUV to White light20 cm x 40 cm
38-0191-04   (US)
849-38-0191-04 (EU)
UVP Visi-White Converter PlateUV to White light25 cm x 26 cm
38-0200-01   (US)
849-20520-0 (EU)
UVP Visi-Blue Converter PlateUV to Blue light (460 - 470 nm)21 cm x 26 cm
38-0200-02   (US)
849-20521-0 (EU)
UVP Visi-Blue Converter PlateUV to Blue light (460 - 470 nm)20 cm x 40 cm
38-0200-04   (US)
849-20522-0 (EU)
UVP Visi-Blue Converter PlateUV to Blue light (460 - 470 nm)25 cm x 26 cm
38-0325-01   (US)
849-20523-0 (EU)
UVP Converter PlateUV302-to-UV36525 cm x 26 cm
Replacement Tubes
Order NumberDescription
34-0044-01   (US)Replacement 6 watt tube, 302 nm
34-0007-01   (US)Replacement 8 watt tube, 254 nm
34-0042-01   (US)Replacement 8 watt tube, 302 nm
34-0006-01   (US)Replacement 8 watt tube, 365 nm
34-0031-01   (US)Replacement 8 watt tube, 365 nm BLB
34-0056-01   (US)Replacement 8 watt tube, White
34-0059-01   (US)Replacement 14 watt tube, White
34-0073-01   (US)Replacement 25 watt tube, 254 nm
34-0072-01   (US)Replacement 25 watt tube, 302 nm
34-0060-01   (US)Replacement 25 watt tube, 365 nm
34-0060-01   (US)Replacement 25 watt tube, 365 nm BLB


*visi-white and visi-blue transilluminators do not contain mercury